• SSF 1090 edition. 2 - Mechanical cylinders-burglar resistance

SSF 1090 edition. 2 – Mechanical cylinders-burglar resistance

925 kr1,175 kr

Target demographic: Manufacturer, dealer, claimer, installer company.

Product Information

Target demographic: Manufacturers, retailers, specifiers, installers.

SSF Swedish Theft Prevention Association (SSF), in collaboration with market representatives and other stakeholders, has developed SSF 1090, edition 2. This standard is part of a series of standards contributing to the classification of products in the field of burglar-resistant locking devices. Specifically, it is an integral part of SSF 3522, which is detailed in Annex A.

Main Points and Application:

  • Mechanical cylinders according to this standard are designed for permanent installation and are intended to function in conjunction with either mechanical or electromechanical lock cases.
  • These cylinders are based on the standards of SS-EN 1303, which is a fundamental document. This is supplemented with additional requirements and testing methods to ensure burglar-resistant properties and resistance to lock picking and manipulation.
  • Please note that some parts of this standard may be subject to patent rights. SSF is not responsible for identifying such patent rights, either individually or collectively.

Specifications and Requirements:

  • The standard covers mechanical cylinders with mechanical decoding, intended for permanent installation and interaction with mechanically or electrically controlled lock cases.
  • It specifies requirements and methods for testing, as well as guidelines for product information and labeling.
  • Additionally, the standard is applicable to cylinders in other areas of use, such as padlocks.

Changes from Previous Edition

  • Editorial adaptation to SSF template for product standard.
  • Number of levels changed from 5 to 3. Levels 1, 3 and 5.
  • Levels 2 and 4 are removed.
  • Reference to SS-EN 1303, Edition 2015 introduced in requirements and test methods, which means that the requirements have been amended and some test methods have been modified compared to previously.
  • Extending the requirements for durability in levels 3 and 5.
  • The cylinders shall be able to withstand temperatures ranging from -25 oC to +65 oC.
  • Key number of effective differs increased for level 3.
  • The cylinder plug turning resistance, where the requirement is reduced from 20 Nm to 15 Nm.
  • The cylinder’s drill resistance at level 1 is adapted to EN 1303.
  • The cylinder’s extraction resistance has been removed at level 1.
  • Tables adjusted to include reference to EN 1303, including direct values.
  • Interpretation of 5.5 Resistance to attacks with attack from 10 July 2018 introduced as the reference to SS-EN 1303 is introduced.
  • Interpretation of 6.2 Durability from 12 August 2020 introduced.


The following publications include requirements which, in part or in full, constitute requirements in this standard. Only the listed edition applies in the case of dated references. The latest edition of the publication, including any published interpretations and additions, applies in the case of undated references.

  • SSF 1050: 2003 Metodbeskrivning för dyrkning av lås
  • SSF 3522 Burglar-resistant fixed mounted lock unit – Classification, requirements and testing
  • SS 2218 Building hardware – Door and window fittings – Terminology
  • SS-EN 1303: 2015 Building hardware – Cylinders for locks – requirements and test methods
  • SS-EN 1670: 2005 Building hardware – Corrosion resistance – Requirements and test methods

SSF 1090 Mechanical cylinders-burglar resistance

Language: English.
Dated: 2023-11-06

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