SSF 1096 edition. 2 – Reinforcement plates-burglar resistance
925 kr – 1,175 kr
Target demographic: Manufacturer, dealer, claimer, installer company.
Please note that the product is personal.
This norm (SSF1096, Edition 2) has been developed by SSF Swedish Theft Prevention Association (SSF) in cooperation with market representatives and other stakeholders. This norm is one of several norms which form a basis for the classification of products related to burglar-resistant lock unit. Norms for burglar-resistant lock set included in SSF 3522 are described in Appendix A.
Main Points
- Reinforcement plates according to this norm are designed for fixed mounting in interaction with mechanical or electromechanical lock cases.
- Reinforcement plates according to this norm are based on properties as described in SS-EN 1906 Annex A, which is a necessary document, supplemented with requirements and test methods for burglar-resistant properties.
- Please note that some parts of this document may be covered by patent rights. SSF
- is not responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights. SSF 1096
- This norm covers reinforcement plates intended to cooperate with mortise locks, surface locks or recessed locks for fixed installation to increase the attack resistance of the door in the area around the lock and also protect the cylinder against attack.
- The norm specifies requirements and test methods, as well as requirements for product information and marking.
The following publications include requirements which, in part or in full, constitute requirements in this standard. Only the listed edition applies in the case of dated references. The latest edition of the publication, including any published interpretations and additions, applies in the case of undated references.
- SSF 1130 Certification Bodies – Requirements
- SSF 3522 Burglar resistant fixed mounted lock unite– Classification,
- requirements and test methods.
- SSF 3523 Digital locking unit – Classification, requirements
- and test methods.
- SS 2218 Building hardware – Door and window fittings –
- Terminology
- SS-EN 1906:2012 Building hardware – Lever handles and knob
- furniture – Requirements and test methods
- SS-EN ISO/IEC 17025 Allmänna kompetenskrav för provnings – och
- kalibreringslaboratorier
Reinforcement plates – Burglary resistance – Requirements and test methods.
Language: English.
Dated: This norm is valid from 2 October 2023 and replaces SSF 1096, edition 1.
Edition 1 will be repealed on 2 April 2024.
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